
I have now left academia and am currently working as a Senior Associate in Data Science and Biological Systems for a global healthcare and nutrition company. I will likely change the format of this site at some point in the future, but am keeping it up largely so that my tutorials are available. I am still open to occasional collaborations in evolutionary biology / animal behaviour research, discussions about mixed modelling approaches, and review requests (as well as chatting with anyone thinking about leaving academia for other opportunities).

I was previously a Lecturer in Animal Behaviour in the Ecology & Environment Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University. My main research interests were in the evolutionary causes and consequences of variation in — and covariation among — flexible traits.

My postdoctoral research has taken in individual and genetic variation in cooperative behaviour in Damaraland mole-rats and Kalahari meerkats with Tim Clutton-Brock’s Large Animal Research Group at the University of Cambridge, stress-related behaviour in Trinidadian guppies with Alastair Wilson at the University of Exeter, plus lots of exciting collaborations on a range of species. My PhD focused on age-related variation in sexual signalling in crickets, with  Luc Bussière at the University of Stirling. 

I am very interested in statistical analysis of animal behaviour, and alongside Luc I developed and taught a 5-day PR Statistics course, ‘Advancing in statistical modelling using R’. I provide various materials on advanced methods for the analysis of individual differences in flexible traits on my tutorials page.

For more details on my previous work, please see my research page and publication list.



Google Scholar profile

ResearchGate Profile

Evolution // Behaviour // Life History